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  • Location Pannipitiya
Enpower Engineering Consultants (PVT) LTD.


Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy is being considered as alternative to the conventional thermal energy as mitigatory measure to threatening global worming problem. Among the renewable energy sources, hydro power is the best known and well developed technology but Solar and Wind power generation systems are also being increasingly considered as viable renewable energy option with the latter has distinct advantage of ability to  implement as small distributed generation sources to GW scale large solar/wind farms. However, uncontrollable nature (intermittency) of solar/wind generations imposes restrictions in integrating such plants to utility grids, which can be mitigated to a certain extent by having “hybrid” systems with battery storage . With constantly declining cost of solar modules, hybrid systems are becoming more and more viable option despite the relatively higher cost of battery storage systems ( which too has a declining trend!).     

  • System stability studies to determine optimum capacity.
  • Solar system performance simulation.
  • Scaling of storage system.
  • Economic analysis.
Contact Info

Contact Info

  • 380/1, Kalalgoda, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka.
  • +94717320832, +94777320832, +947176860780
  • info@enpower.lk

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